Thursday, June 14, 2012

Reflection: Ben Miscavage

As I rode through the city and saw the extreme poverty I realized why we came. These people need money, help, but most importantly Love. The kids are constantly climbing all over me like I was some kind of playground! They crave your attention and it means the world to them just to feel loved. What amazed me today was the work ethic of the older and younger boys. We came expecting to work for them, however as soon as we got the paint off the truck they insisted on working without pay until the finish. All boys were covered, and I truly mean covered, with paint from head to toe.

As I learn new lessons and observe Haitian lifestyle, one thought keeps reoccurring to me. I plan to try to remember this from day to day. If you have a problem at home, compare it to these children’s problems, if it is still a big deal - then you can go ahead and panic. Be thankful for everything because at the end of the day God is good and always will be!

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